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How To Raise Funding For Your Startup in Pakistan

If you are a Startup Founder who is not sure of how to raise funding to scale his/her business, then you have landed on the right page at the right time.

Khurram Zafar

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How To Raise Funding For Your Startup in Pakistan

Who is this course for?

This course is for Startup Founders who are ready for the next phase of growth through raising capital for their businesses. It is for anyone who is an entrepreneur and has a small to medium startup that is investment ready. 

The Trainer

Course Instructor Bio

Hi I am Khurram Zafar,

I am the Managing Partner of 47 Ventures Ltd., the first Pakistan focused, international, venture capital fund. I am also a member of the Board of Directors of Karandaaz Pakistan, and was a former Board Member of Mobilink Microfinance Bank. I am also the Founder of LUMS Centre for Entrepreneurship/National Incubation Centre. I have been a founder/co-founder of multiple startups in both Silicon Valley and Pakistan and hence been in your shoes. 

It gives me great pleasure to share my decades of experience and learning in upscaling businesses and fundraising for startups; and I am delighted to be a part of this program where I am getting to guide the young entrepreneurs of Pakistan in the startup space. This course will prepare you for the vision you have for your startup in your respective ecosystem, and the approaches you need to consider as a startup founder if you plan to scale your business.

The Course

Course inclusions snippets/outline

How To Raise Funding For Your Startup in Pakistan

by Khurram Zafar

How Startups can understand that they are ready for Fundraising
The Types of Fundraising
What are the possible sources of fund raising
How to evaluate your startup
What are Investors looking for in a Startup
How can you evaluate your startup for FundRaising
How to create a successful Pitch Deck
How to Prepare to Raise Funds
The Course

How will this course help you succeed?

You will be able to learn the following key areas in this course

The difference between Debt and Equity
What is vesting and what is Ownership
The jargons and language of fundraising
What are grants and how are they accessible
What is Crowdfunding and how it is also a fundraising source
How to show exponential growth potential in your startup to investors
Importance of an exit strategy to layout for an investor
What are the basics of Startup Valuation
The role of business model in a pitch Deck

What Attendees Say

Below is what attendees say about Mr. Khurram Zafar

"Force Of Nature"

Khurram was the answer to our madcap idea of building a hub of entrepreneurship at LUMS. We had put the broad outline of a center together but knew that it was the man behind the machine who was going to make all the difference.

Once Khurram became a part of the working group it became very clear that not only had we found the person who would lead our entrepreneurial venture of setting up the Entrepreneurship Center but that actually we needed to get out of the way and let him roar past.

Khurram is a force of nature, a dynamo, full of ideas and enthusiasm and a deep well of knowledge of everything entrepreneurial and innovative. His ties to the world of tinkerers, innovators and madcap thinkers brought enormous excitement into the center but his signature contribution was building the link to world of angel financing, venture capital and project financing.
Sohail H. Naqvi
Founding Rector at University of Central Asia

"He Is Gifted"

I met Khurram Zafar around 4 years ago. He had set up LUMS Centre for Entrepreneurship and I was active as an Angel investor. We connected immediately and it was thoroughly impressing that from a standing start and with meagre resources Khurram had created the best incubator in the country. He has moved on to create his own VC fund and I got pulled in to take up running of LCE from him.

These are difficult shoes to fill. LCE was built in string foundations by Khurram which makes it that much easier for us to take it forward. Khurram is truly gifted. He is clear about what his own and organisation objectives are and he aligns them effortlessly. His understanding of what entrepreneurship means is faultless. He is gifted when it comes to analysing a business opportunity and can articulate concepts better than almost anyone I have come across.
Faisal Sherjan
Managing Partner

"Pride Of Pakistan"

Mr. Khurram Zafar: Inspiring speaker great communicator with highest influence, always great to watch! Great Manager always with positive attitude, honest, in short he has all the skills and qualities, All Great Managers have. I am honored to write few words for one of the Pride of Pakistan. Stay Blessed Sir!
Aftab Alam, PMP
SDAM at Accenture

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